POST 9: Changes to my study program

Hello everybody, welcome back to my blog, today I’m going to write about changes I would like to do to my study program.
As you know, I’m at second year of nursery education, and we have to study five years, but even that I think the study program is incomplete.
The first subject I will talk about is “Health and cares of the child”, because I think is a really interesting and relevant subject. We are trained in basic first aids, but, we just have this subject in the first year of the career, so I think we forget some first aid technique. So, the change I would do is having in the study program another subject just to learn about first aid.
I think this subject has a lot of contents and time it wasn’t enough, so I want to learn the contents we didn’t learn, nutrition, gender conception, etc.
Another subject I think it has problems is “Families and communities”, because we know that families are important in the development of children, but we don’t know how to develop a good relationship with families. I know is a really hard work, because every child has a different family with different thoughts and ways to live, but the idea is try to make a good interaction for the good of the child.
And another change I would like to do, not about the study program, about the facilities, I think are good, but it makes me so angry that never gives me anything even if I really need it. I think they could reward the high academic performance too.
So that’s all for today! Bye!  


  1. Hi romanett, I agree with your opinion it is very necessary to deepen in courses of health and care in the child a semester fur very little for so much content.


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