The use of cell-phones in classroom

Is beneficial the use of cell-phones in classroom? 

Everyone knows that technology is literally controlling the people’s mind or in a few words, the entire world. The cell phone started to be something that you can use to call someone who is far away, but over time, the technology had an important evolutionary, so now people not just uses cell-phone to call someone, they navigate the internet, take pictures, listening to music, playing games, and many other things that in a past no one would believe it. That's why this essay will argue how beneficial it could be a good use of cell-phone in classroom.
Using cellphone in classroom has many advantages. Firstly, if you have access to wifi or your own red you can search the information about are learning in classes or can deep about the information searching others authors, or compare information, etc. It’s a good way to start a debate if someone finds something different, because there are many points of view, but this is a good way to use the power of the internet.
However, there are also arguments that support that are not beneficial using cell-phone in classroom. First of all, like I mentioned before the evolution of the cell-phone is increase about the time, that's why there are many applications which can distract a person, starting just for a message in whatsapp, a game, facebook, youtube, etc.
In conclusion, what I want to say, it is not a bad thing uses cell-phone but we need to be balanced about our addiction to cell-phones, there are people can't live without it and that is a problem because not only will distract himself/herself, will also distract the others who wants to pay attention to the classroom and the teacher.


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