The importance of the Education for the growth of a nation

Is necessarily the "Education" for the growth of a nation?

People often claim that a degree is important to reinforce their capacities, knowledge and abilities. Well, it doesn’t. The education system has proven time and time again that school is nothing but an expensive daycare for kids and teenagers. The average student doesn’t learn or is interested in the subject matter. Tha is why the education system it just implanting an idea, repeat "correct" anwsers and that's it… It does sound like the military or the army for that matter. Students are conditioned to solve problems that they very well may not face in the real world, rather than apply the answer on a piece of paper to get a good grade. This system has failed and teachers and many people alike are not to blame but the government. The state doesn’t want people who question the establish order of things, if you do so, you will be called crazy, rebel, or ignorant. 

The importance of self-education and self-discovery is key to expand our thinking process. Not only will we question everything previously established by the school or university. It will push the student to seek further and reach for different outcomes, making him self-aware. In order to improve this idea, the student must be willing to discover, explore, ask and most important, face different points of view on different subjects. 

90% of student graduates have an immense college debt, not only in America but in Chile as well. This is because at the end of the journey (College) you must face the real world. Why? "they need at least 5 years of  experience in the area", "someone could do it for less", etc. And all the student’s effort (School, college) are reduce sometimes to work in another job.

In conclusion, the standard way of learning has proven that kids won’t learn if you force them. If they show real interest on a subject in particular, this will grow and transcend to a whole new level of collective learning. Without filters, without grades, without good or bad.


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