
Showing posts from September, 2017


When I was a little girl I loved to play games on my friend's computer, because I didn't have one. But someday, when I was six my parents gave it to me a computer... Oh I felt so happy, I was playing all day and all night with it, even without internet. Now is the same story, I use it everyday but not to play games, I use it when I need to search information about something, also to watch videos on youtube or just to listen to music. I like it because I can find everything that a search, it's fantastic! I can find a lot of music, movies or books! I think my life without my computer or internet would be the most sad and empty life or... maybe I would be more sociable! haha who knows!

POST 2: My lovely dreams

The first real dream job I had was to be a ballet dancer, I loved the beautiful dresses and the "Swan Lake" ballet, but that dream never came true because I had never try to do it. Another  dream job I used to have as a child was to be a teacher, but I used don't like a little because I knew that I have to get up early in the morning to go to work.  Years later, when I was in high school I still wanted to be a teacher, but now been a preeschool teacher.  The most difficult part has been the PSU, because I knew that my score won't be good,  specially maths,  and in the only university that I wanted to study was in Universidad of Chile, but I don't know how I was in the list of selects! I never felt so happy before, definitelly that was the most wonderfull day of life.  Things were not very easy at the beginning at the university but I'm trying to do my best!