Bio Data
My name is Romanett Alcaíno. I am an undergraduate student, cursing the second year of the career of preschool education at University of Chile, Santiago. In a first moment, I just choose this career because I have good connection with children, but in that moment, I do not know how much important it was be an educator. As a student of the social sciences faculty, I am close to other careers related to preschool education; there we have anthropology, sociology, psychology and social work. But the area that I recently have become more interested is in childhood psychology, because there we are learning about the self-regulation emotions, how a person can recognize an emotion (happiness, rage, fear, etc.) And can control it. Someday, I would like to have a grant to do a semester abroad, maybe in Iceland, because there they have a different form to educate. School is not like in Chile that is why I want to understand to my own how they educate children. I do not hav...