
Showing posts from August, 2018


Hello, everybody, welcome back to my blog, this will be the last post of this semester, so today I’m going to write about all my experience writing blogs. I usually write random things that I’m thinking in English, or I listening to music in English, I watch videos in YouTube just in English and I have some foreign friends and sometimes I talk with them to video call or just we text each other, and that’s how I try to improve my written English skills, because I love languages, and then I want to learn Korean language. People say that is a little bit difficult but is a challenge for me, and I like challenges. So that’s why is not a problem for me to write blogs in English, actually I like it, even if I know that my English is not the best. Is important for me to read comments of my posts, so I read all your comments you left because I can know that my English is not bad at all and you can understand what I want to say. I think my writing now is better, I hope so, because I ...

POST 9: Changes to my study program

Hello everybody, welcome back to my blog, today I’m going to write about changes I would like to do to my study program. As you know, I’m at second year of nursery education, and we have to study five years, but even that I think the study program is incomplete. The first subject I will talk about is “Health and cares of the child”, because I think is a really interesting and relevant subject. We are trained in basic first aids, but, we just have this subject in the first year of the career, so I think we forget some first aid technique. So, the change I would do is having in the study program another subject just to learn about first aid. I think this subject has a lot of contents and time it wasn’t enough, so I want to learn the contents we didn’t learn, nutrition, gender conception, etc. Another subject I think it has problems is “Families and communities”, because we know that families are important in the development of children, but we don’t know how to develop a goo...