POST 8: A subject I have enjoyed a lot this semester
Hello, everybody, welcome back to my blog, today I’m going to write about a subject I have enjoyed a lot this semester and my favorite until now, it called: Teaching knowledge of personal and social development, 1° Cycle This subject is about to understand the development of the children, that they have different process of learning and how we have to respect every process trying not to limited them, because it could be bad in their self-esteem. The self-esteem is another important content of the subject because we will help to child to build their self-esteem, making them a confidence person who loves themselves no matter what, and it could be relevant how they relate with other person being a child or in the future being an adult. What I want to say is the self-esteem is for all rest of life and to build a positive one we have to work with family the words and the way how we relate with the child. Another relevant content is the importance of the attachment in the first cycle...