Hello everybody, welcome back to my blog, today I’m going to write about something that scares me a lot, and that it is, the FUTURE… more exactly, my future job. When I was a little girl I never thought that I would be here, but here I’m, studying nursery education at the University, I still like what I’m studying now but sometimes I ask myself if I’ll be good at my work. I like kids but sometimes the way that other educators works its makes me get disappoint about the career. I would like to work with kids and their families in different places, outdoors like in a park and do a picnic, seeding in the garden or looking for insects… I don’t know, I have lot of ideas I would like to come true and I think it could work. I really want to travel someday and meet new places (well, I need to save money first) but not for working. I still remember when my dad had to travel for work (Argentina, Brazil, etc.) and he couldn’t go outside to meet new places because he should stay...